Sunday, June 29, 2014

Now in Texas

Jonathan is currently back in the states and working down in Texas.  He is being discipled in building Home Church networks and ministering as a med tech.  His desire is to build up enough resources to head to Russia and teach English.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Traveling plans


 Jon is planning on traveling back to the states next month.  Please be in prayer.  He will  be flying starting on the 6th of Sept.  If he makes all his connections he will arrive in Sioux Falls on the 8th.  He currently plans on getting a job and getting enough income so he can visit family in MI and in MO.  He also has an invite to come and share in PA.  This is all depending on being able to afford the trips.  He is living on faith.  Please pray for Yahweh Elohim's provision. 
   This past year his Uncle has passed away and his grandmother has been in the hospital for at least a month.  He hasn't seen extended family in years and would like to be able to do this before going back to India next year.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Traffic in India.  This is Jon with his friend Gabe and Gabe's sister in India during the rainy season.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Vision For India

While my son is not with this group this video shows how spiritually destitute India is.
He is working with discipling believers and has a vision to help those sold into prostitution and poverty

Jon is in India on a faith basis.  His plans are to come home in September and then return to India in January of 2014.  Jon is currently recovering from surgery.  He was in the hospital in India for a week.  Please keep his recovery in your prayers.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Jon at work in the orphanage in China

Here are a couple more pictures of Jon in China.
This was Jon's second trip to China and he stayed for about 8 months.  His first trip was to take in Christian literature.  He also visited Thailand and another country in which the group he was with took clothes to orphanages.